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Bodyweight Training / 7 Do's and Don'ts With Bodyweight Training

7 Do's and Don'ts With Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training involves basic and traditional exercises for strength training, such as, burpees, squats, lunges, push-ups, pull-ups, and more. Incorporating bodyweight training in your fitness program can greatly improve your strength, stamina, and overall performance.

However, in order to achieve optimum results, you should know how to perform bodyweight training correctly.

Here Are The Do's And Don'ts To Remember

Do Combine Fat Loss And Bodyweight Training

According to a relatively new study, high-intensity workouts help boost the body's metabolic hormone response, resulting in more calories burned in a short amount of time. It was found that some bodyweight exercises, such as, burpees and battling ropes elicited greater oxygen consumption that results in faster energy expenditure, this is known as the Anaerobic effect.

As per any other type of workout designed to lose fat, your bodyweight program should be structured accordingly in order to receive this wonderful effect. Your training should include heavy intensity exercises with shortened rest periods if fat burning is your main goal.

Do Modify Programs For New Trainees

Even the easiest bodyweight exercises can be too challenging for new practitioners because of the lack of core strength. For novices, it is highly important to incorporate in your training program those exercises that aim to stabilize your body and build your strength, as they will help you progress faster.

For instance, start with developing your base strength by doing free weight presses, while you try out different push-up variations.

As you master an old craft, move on to another variation that puts on additional weight, avoiding unstable variations in the process.

Do Use Contrast Training With Bodyweight Exercises

Contrast training involves slow, heavy exercises like squats, followed by light explosive exercises, such as, vertical jumps. Contrast training induces muscular activation and combining them with bodyweight exercises results in more power and explosiveness.

Do Have a Goal

Setting goals is important because they will keep you motivated and coming back for more.

For example, many novices who haven't acquired yet the flexibility to perform a full split squat should focus on workouts that train the lower body, in order to achieve a new exercise goal that they haven't done before.

Generally, combining your bodyweight exercises with traditional free weights can develop your strength and coordination that will keep you sustained as you progress.

Do Incorporate Bodyweight Exercises Into Your Daily Life

Spending your whole day sitting can be as dangerous as smoking. It decreases your energy consumption, insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance.

Make sure to take short time-outs from your busy day to do 2-minute squats, push-ups, crawls, lunges and other bodyweight exercises in between activities.

Doing even short exercises throughout the day will help boost your metabolism, improve your blood circulation, improve your flexibility, and shake off that sluggish feeling, making your mind feel active and energized.

Don't Forget the Basics

For your exercises to be effective, you need to keep in mind the basic principles as to why you are doing them. If you want to build muscle, for example, you need to workout for a longer time under tension in an 8-15 rep range.

On the other hand, if your goal is to increase strength, you need a shorter time under tension, about 1-5 rep range.

Tension is the amount of time that you spend under the weight. You need to make sure that the amount of weight you are using is enough, and to be effective, you should be struggling in finishing your last rep.

If you need to overload, you'd also want to do this safely and effectively. As a general rule of thumb, you should only overload up to 10% of what your body was used to before.

Don't Overreach

Many bodyweight moves are complex and can be difficult for beginners who have neither the proper fitness level nor the proper form down to perform them without the risk of injury.

One example of this is jump lunges and burpees. These exercises are more complex because they use the whole body and are also much more difficult for that reason. Not good options for beginners.

It's best to start with squats and lunges and move up from there as you get more fit. Also, the more advanced and complicated moves need to be practiced slowly until form is perfected.


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