An Example of Fitness Workouts for Men
Men are destined to be physically stronger than woman, but to have more power than an average man, you will need some kind of fitness program to develop your physical strength more further.
So this time I will tell you a workout example that I think will develop your physical strength to be more than the average man. even if you are a beginner in the world of fitness.
This workout only requires minimal equipment. It is consisted mostly by bodyweight exercises. So that is why this workout is appropriate for beginners. Because if you can't handle your own body, then don't ever try to curl a heavy barbell if you don't want to be injured.
Monday - 3 sets of push up ranging from 20 to 30 reps per set and 4 sets of bodyweight squat ranging from 30 to 40 reps per set
Wednesday - Any kind of interval training ( there are many articles that you can read to learn more about this)
Friday - 3 sets of sit up ranging from 25 to 35 reps per set and 2 sets of hanging knee raises ranging from 8 to 12 per set
Sunday - 2 sets of handstand push up ranging from 5 to 10 reps per set and 2 sets of pull up ranging from 6 to 12 reps per set
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