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Fitness Programs / Top 5 Must Do's for Getting Fit

Top 5 Must Do's for Getting Fit

Fitness Programs 

Get a Medical Checkup

You wouldn't take your car on a road trip across the country without checking for loose belts or leaking fluids. Likewise, if you are taking your body on a high intensity trip to optimum fitness, it's worth making sure that there's nothing wrong that could cause an injury or, aggravate an existing, undiagnosed condition.

If you are young and healthy, there may be no apparent reason to see a doctor, although regular preventative checkups are a good idea. You should however, seek medical approval if:

.You're over 40. You may be in great shape, but there's no escaping the fact that your body has put up with quite a lot of abuse and misuse during that time and you can expect a few problems to begin cropping up.
.You are at risk of Heart Disease. Exercise improves the health of the heart, but if it's vulnerable to heart attack, over-stressing the cardiovascular system is potentially disastrous. Major risk factors are: if any parents or siblings developed heart disease before the age of 50; a total cholesterol level of 200 or more; and, having diabetes or a blood pressure greater than 140 over 85. Other signs to have checked out are shortness of breath with mild exertion, dizziness, palpitations or a known heart murmur.
Start Smart

It is an accepted fact that men like to go hard when they do something, particularly exercise. It feels great immediately afterward because of the endorphin rush, but then you get sore. Most people can't hammer themselves every time they workout, after a few times they lose their enthusiasm or, get injured.

The secret to longevity with any exercise program is to start at a low intensity and slowly build it up, increasing the intensity and duration gradually.

Speak to an Expert

Even if you are armed with the best knowledge and intentions, it is a good idea to have your program designed by someone else. Every good Personal Trainer I have encountered in my professional life has their own Personal Trainer to design and guide them through their training program.

If you are fortunate, your local gym will have fully qualified and knowledgeable Fitness Professionals either on staff or, contracted to work in the gym, and can provide the best advice available. After all, they know exactly what you want to achieve.

Don't do it Alone

You are not in this world alone, nor are you in this exercise thing alone. It helps enormously to have someone around with whom you can share your progress, enthusiasm and disappointments. Part of this involves what sports psychologists call values clarification. If you tell someone, "This is what I am planning." You are more likely to actually do it. Who do you share it with? It could be your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend, training partner or work-mate.

It doesn't matter who it is, what matters is that they are interested in your plans, reasons for exercise and your goals.

Pick your Partner Carefully

A workout partner can help foster motivation and they can 'keep you honest'. Make sure that competitiveness does not end up making the whole experience unpleasant or tougher than you really want, or need. Always remember that exercise should be fun.

Follow these 'Golden Rules' and enjoy the journey to the new you.


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