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Fitness Programs / Weight Loss Cardio

Weight Loss Cardio

Fitness Programs 

Cardio exercise is only one part of a weight loss plan. Along with cardio, other factors such as eating properly and strength training should be incorporated for maximum results. Be aware that losing weight is no small task and will demand serious commitment to the job at hand and it will not happen overnight.

It is important not to consume less than 1200 calories per day, as this will be counterproductive to what you are trying to achieve. When you starve your body from the much-needed nutrients which it desires, your metabolism slows down, thus making weight loss even more elusive than it may have been before.

However, in embarking on a weight loss programs, cardio activities do play a crucial role and should always be a major factor in any weight loss program.

Tips for Setting Up A Cardio Program

- If you are just starting out then it is highly recommended that you begin with just 3 to 4 days doing any cardio exercise of your choice. It is important to go at your own pace, at a level that is manageable for you.

- Each week gradually add more time to each workout until you are able to do 30-45 minutes intervals continuously.

- As your body strengthens, start incorporating strength training into the mix for a maximum effect.

- Work your way up until you are able to perform cardio routine at least five days per week every week. Incidentally, to avoid boredom, try adding a number of variations instead of just sticking to the same routine week after week.

Here are some general guidelines for using cardio to accelerate weight loss.

For significant weight loss, you will probably need to perform cardio activities for at least five days out of every week. Ouch!

Normally, you should aim for at least 45 minutes each day. However, this does not have to be all at once, but the calories burned need to add up each day for weight loss to occur.

Push yourself as far as you can go with regards to the intensity of your workouts. The faster and more intense your workout is, the more calories will be burned. Though faster may not always necessarily be better, especially when just starting out it is best to take it slow until your body becomes conditioned to the new demands being placed on it.

When starting out with cardio, start with an activity that you can sustain for a while - approximately 15-20 minutes. For instance, you will definitely burn more calories running than walking, but if running totally wipes you out after a few minutes or affects your joints, and then you would be much better off walking.

The number of calories that you can expect to burn doing cardio activities will depend upon your current Weight, age, fitness level, metabolism and muscle mass. Typically, a beginner can usually burn approximately 5 or 6 calories per minute of exercise, while a fitter person will be able to burn around 10-12 calories for the same time period.


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