Walking For Fitness Fitness Programs Walking is the best form of exercise to increase your health and fitness. It's easy to begin, you can set your own goals and it's free! Whilst others may encourage you to join a gym you may lack the confidence to begin exercising in such a public arena. Walking for fitness will give you the flexibility to exercise wherever and whenever you want. It's great to have flexibility but initially you may find having a set schedule very helpful while you establish your walking routine. For the first three weeks set aside a definite time each day for your walking program. Write the schedule in your diary or daily planner and don't let anything come between you and your daily walk. Why? Because too often exercise commitments are broken because you put someone else's needs before your own. For 21 days you are going to put your own health and well being first. You must begin taking care of you! Starting now. Starting ...
نحن موقع جزائري للدعم الدراسي وتحسين المستوى متوافق تماما معا المناهج التعليمية الوطنية المقررة من طرف وزارة التربية و التعليم، نقدم لكم مجموعة متنوعة من الدروس و التمارين و نمادج الفروض و الاختبارات للتلاميد و المدرسين في مختلف الاطوار الدراسية، الطور الإبتدائي و المتوسط و الثانوي في جميع المواد، الان سارع بالانضمام الينا لتحسين مستواك والسير على طريق النجاح.