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Fitness Programs / Fitness for Men and the Foods You Eat

Fitness Programs 

If you are wondering if there are foods that complement your men's fitness program, the answer is Y-E-S.

But before I even discuss the foods, you should be prepared about the different advices that you receive about eating from various sources. There are nutritionists who advice eating in smaller meals of about 6 to 8 times daily. Some nutritionists advise eating three regular meals every day. There are so many advices that most people end up getting confused.

Well, one thing is for sure, 'one size fits all' is not applicable to fitness for men. Body composition varies from one man to another so the times that you have to eat will depend on your requirements and fitness goals.

It would be best to stick to the basic if you are not sure what to do. Eat three full meals i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may also have a light snack in between if you want.

Going back to the question, what are the specific foods that may complement your workout and help you achieve optimal results?
  • 1: Protein
Protein is an important nutrient for your fitness diet as it increases the metabolic rate of the body. A higher metabolic rate basically means getting fit faster and easier. Apart from that, protein also helps in building leaner and stronger muscles. Some sources of protein include lean meat like chicken, beef, turkey, pork and lamb. Tuna, eggs and walnut are also rich in protein.

Knowing to eat the right types of meat is equally important to knowing how to cook them. The best way to cook them is grilling instead of frying. If for some reason you still have to fry the meat, you will need oil and seasoning. It would be better to add olive oil as it contains healthy fat. The same goes with seasoning wherein it should contain less sugar otherwise your fitness goals will be defeated. Avoid marinating your meat as much as possible, especially those that contain brown sugar and corn syrup.
  • 2: Fresh vegetables
Fitness gurus will definitely tell you the importance of eating fresh vegetables. Vegetables contain vitamins that are needed for the body to function properly. Vegetables also contain fiber which helps in improving digestion.

There are many vegetables to choose from and include in your fitness for men program. The more colors you incorporate, the better. Beans, squash, tomatoes and bell peppers are some of the most nutritious vegetables.

Vegetables can be eaten raw but if you want to cook them, prefer grilling over boiling or steaming as the last two cooking processes take away the nutrient contents of the vegetable.
  • 3: Fresh fruits
Vegetables and fresh fruits go hand in hand. There is an emphasis on 'fresh' because canned fruits contain high levels of sugar, which is harmful to the body.

Fresh fruit choices are endless from apples, peach, pineapple, pear, banana to different kinds of berries like strawberry and blueberry.

These were the three food groups that is highly recommended in our fitness program. On the other hand, there are food groups that you must avoid:
  • 4: Dairy products
While dairy products are beneficial, some contain fats and sugar. You have to avoid eating these unless you are under a highly intense fitness program, and are performing fitness exercises that can compensate for the consumption of the extra fat.

Dairy products that you should limit are milk, yogurt and cheese.
  • 5: Particular carbohydrate-rich foods
Some foods rich in carbohydrates are usually loaded with sugar and empty calories. These are mainly starches which are converted into fat when stored in the body. The fat converting process could be more profound if you are living a sedentary lifestyle.

Some of these carbohydrate-rich foods are pasta, rice, bread, cereal and potatoes. Fried carbohydrates like French fries and hash browns are even more harmful the body and must be completely avoided.


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