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Fitness Programs / Aerobic Weight Loss - Fitness Program to Suit Your Life

Fitness Programs 

Cardio vascular exercise, commonly called aerobics is well known for increasing your fitness and stamina. Aerobics simply means with air, i.e. you breathe normally and fully whilst exercising.

Cardio workouts can have many benefits for example a lowering of hypertension, better lung capacity and even a reduction of cholesterol. All these functions can drastically reduce the chances of suffering a stroke or a heart attack.

There is much conflicting advice about what is good for you and what can help you to extend your life but a common message is lose weight and get fitter. A good aerobic workout on a regular basis will do both of these.

From thinner thighs to losing the belly fat, cardio vascular exercise will do wonders for you. Apart from the fashion aspect of being slimmer aerobic activity can help in the treatment of low moods and even depression. Not only will you look better you will feel better too.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand and one without the other will not work as well. For maximum benefit and fast weight loss you must watch your intake and be regular with your workouts.

It is really a balance sheet, calories in go in the plus column and calories burnt through exercise go in the minus column. If you can keep the balance in the negative figures you will lose weight.

Firstly I would recommend a good weight loss program, many of which are available on the Internet. Although there are many good diet programs you really do have to pick one which will suit you and your way of life. To be effective a weight loss program has to fit in with your routine or you will just not stick with it.

Secondly, aerobic exercise, this also has to be convenient or you will just find excuses not to do it. It's no good joining a gym that's ten miles away or again your exercise plan will fail because of the interruption to your life.

Thirdly, whatever diet and exercise plan you decide on you must keep tabs on it. This will give you encouragement when you start to see little successes on the way. Keep a record of your eating habits and your weight loss action plans.

My personal plan involved a good diet program which I purchased off the 'net and the slightly more expensive option of a motorised treadmill. These two purchases helped me with my weight loss in several ways.

I have a simple eating plan that involves no complicated calorie calculations, it allows me to eat several small meals a day which as a working guy I have to fit in between jobs and it lets me record what I eat and my weight in a simple to follow diary.

My treadmill is installed in my garage and so is ready to go when I am, it doesn't matter if it's raining or sunny, I don't waste time travelling and it records all my training automatically.

I have lost over thirty pounds in three months and boy do I feel good. The most striking thing I have found is that the more I get off my can and exercise the more I feel like doing it. It almost seems the weight loss is a side effect. I also sleep better and my golf has improved dramatically All round it's a winner.


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