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Fitness Programs / Employee Fitness Programs

Fitness Programs

Physically active employees represent a healthier company. Today, several companies and organizations in the United States, Japan, and other countries are starting to recognize the importance of physical activity and the effect physically active employees have in increasing productivity of the organization. Studies have shown that physically active employees have less stress levels and experience low job-related tension. As a result, they are high in energy and confidence resulting in better productivity, lower health risks, lower health insurance cost, good turnover rate and higher output. Hence, several companies are now trying to implement fitness tests and training programs as a part of company's benefits package.

For a successful employee fitness program, three factors are essential. These include promotion, support and supply. Companies have to promote the importance of physical fitness among employees using different means like seminars, pamphlets, audio-visual tools, quizzes, contests and newsletters. This should be a continuous process. Next aspect is support of the company. Company can provide incentives to employees who are physically fit and are doing better in the organization. The last one is the supply. Facilities like flexible working hours, subsidized memberships at the nearest fitness club and on-site fully equipped gym with a full-time physical trainer should be provided by the company. Fitness programs should be accessible to all.

A fitness program for employees does not require the company to invest millions of dollars towards construction of gym or buying expensive fitness equipments. Only larger companies have funds to install an on-site gym facility. Smaller companies start with whatever resources available at the company's disposal. Some options include suggesting employees to use stairs rather than taking an elevator, group walking during lunch time, group yoga at the end of the day, installation of showers in the office and relaxed working hours so that employees have time for physical activity.


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