Being Fit and Slim is Really Important, Read to Know "Why"
I was just going through a study that was published which gave me a good reason to get up and start moving. The benefit that really attracted me was, staying fit and slim really helps to live longer. This most important result was concluded by a team of researchers who belonged to Japan. Other than living long, being fit also helps in being successful in life. In order to be fit we need to have a perfect fitness program. You need to be extremely determined, motivated, accountable, persistence and consistence to gain the best results of your fitness program. Moreover, the important fact is that if you can demonstrate these aspects in your fitness program you can also display them in your various aspects of life as a result of which you can gain success in your life.If I plan to explain all the above mentioned aspects you will get a better picture. Let me start with determination. Whenever we decide to pursue any particular task we need to have a purpose for what we want to take up that task. When it comes to fitness the main purpose is to be healthy, strong and we need to get the feeling of well being. This aspect helps us in scheduling our work in or work out on regular basis.
The next aspect is of being accountable. In other words, being responsible in following our promises or goals made to others as well as ourselves. The reason why I emphasize on ourselves is if we are not accountable or answerable to ourselves then it is absolutely clear that for us words carry no meaning and they are merely words. We always need to put all our ideas and thoughts in action and make a decision so that we be extremely committed to our goals as well as promises.
Once we are done with being accountable we also need to be motivated. Can any work be done without you having interest in it or without being motivated? We must know what it takes to get us out of bed ever morning. You need to ask your self a question, will you be motivated with the fact that if you exercise you will feel really good? Also will you be motivated by the fact that you will look good if you exercise on regular basis? It's absolutely on you who is going to decide whether the answer is a yes or a no.
One more aspect that I said above was being consistent. As consistency is the only aspect that will help you keep the above three in place. How? You need to perform your fitness program daily. If you do that then only you get the physical as well as the mental benefits that are associated with it, isn't it? Moreover, if you follow your fitness regime on regular basis than you can achieve higher levels of fitness than the irregular workout regime. The actual principle of exercising is that if you use your current stored energy in working out you will be able to discover more energy for next level of workout. And once this is done on a regular basis you start discovering more energy and feel better and stronger.
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