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Fitness Programs / Weight Loss Workout Program - Time Saving Tricks

Fitness Programs 

Most people beginning a weight loss workout program overwhelmingly feel it is a huge time investment to the tune of many hours each week. Please be advised that this is far from the truth. Some of the newest research states effective fat loss workouts can be short, and time efficient.

Pounding away on the treadmill, or elliptical machine for hours is not the most effective, and efficient use of your fat loss fitness program time. That was the old model. Remember? Who has many extra hours of free time these days to spend exercising? Not many.

When starting a weight loss exercise program the question you have to ask yourself is how little fitness is needed to maximize health, fitness, and fat loss. If you incorporate an evidence based approach your weight loss workout program time will drastically decrease.

The newest research from McMasters University in Hamilton, Ontario reveals performing ten, 1 minutes intervals at 90% of your maximum heart rate yields significant improvements in health, and fitness. The improvements were similar to doing long steady state cardio such as walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes. The only difference is the intervals were performed at a much higher intensity for a fraction of the workout time.

The same time saving principles apply to strength training fat loss workouts. Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to gym work. Progressive overload should be the main goal when it comes to your resistance training weight loss workout program. Once the intensity, or volume has been increased from the previous workout you are effectively done. If you are investing more than 30 minutes a session twice a week on strength training for fat loss, then you are doing more than is necessary. Remember, 80% of your fat loss results are determined by consistently being in a caloric deficit. Nutrition is king. Exercise is queen when it comes to melting away fat.

In regards to both high intensity cardio intervals, as well as weight training, it is important to take a progressive approach, and build up the intensity over time. If you are just beginning a fat loss fitness program, and consider yourself out of shape, then start slowly by building a steady state cardio base first. After a few weeks on your endurance building weight loss workout program you can slowly begin short duration higher intensity intervals followed by longer rest periods. As your body adapts then progressively increase the interval time, and decrease the rest.

As always, prior to starting any physical fitness program make sure you are cleared by your doctor, especially if you are going to incorporate higher intensity, time saving interval training for fat burning.

Working at a higher intensity for both cardio, and strength training will save valuable time by burning more calories in less exercise time. Also, intensity keeps your body burning calories for hours even after the fat loss exercise program is over. This is called EPOC.

The next time you feel a weight loss workout program is too much of a time commitment you will know the truth. Do not ever let the number one excuse of not enough time hold you back from enjoying fantastic, life changing health, fitness, and fat loss results.


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