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Fitness Programs / 5 Great Tips To Find The Best Blender For Your Money

Fitness programs

Fitness Blender

Whether you're a home cook, a smoothie-shop owner, care about your health, or just big into DIY, a priceless addition to your kitchen is a quality blender. But just because it's priceless doesn't mean you want to pay any price for it.

Here are 5 great tips to help you find an awesome blender:

  • Power 

 This might not be the number one thing to look for in a blender, but it certainly does help with everything you might want to use it for. More power means you won't have to prep your foods as much when making a smoothie - don't chop your fruits into tiny pieces, just let the blender do it for you. And if your concoction is unusually thick, a powerful blender will be able to break right through it. Anything over 1HP should do well.

  • Blade design 

 All the horsepower in the world doesn't mean much if the blade design isn't good. The blades need to be able to create a vortex, pulling everything in the blender down into them to be chopped into a billion little pieces. It's also good to have blades that get close to the bottom of the pitcher, so that food pieces don't get stuck in that mystery zone between the blades and the bottom of the pitcher.

  • Has a plunger 

- Now, I know some of the high quality blenders out there claim that they don't need plungers at all. And if that were true, it would be great. But really, from what I've seen, no blender can really guarantee that it won't need some occasional josteling. Having a plunger that can jostel the food inside the pitcher while the blender is running is a huge advantage.

  • Can fit under cabinets 

 Having a blender that can't fit between a countertop and the cabinets overhead can be a real pain! I can't think of how many times I would have knocked over my blender if it didn't fit perfectly under my cabinets. And knocking over a blender while it's running would not be fun indeed.

  • Has a great warrantee 

 If you're going to get something you want to last for the long haul, you should really make sure it has a great warrantee. For our purposes, let's say it should have no less than a 7-year warrantee.
But What About The Price?
Right, the price! That's really the question here, isn't it? After all, if money was no object, it would be no problem finding a blender that satisfied all those requirements.

But finding one that will do that without breaking the bank is a different story entirely. That's where the Omniblend comes into play. By satisfying all of the parameters we listed above, and costing only $279 USD, this is truly the best blender for your money.


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