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Fitness Programs / The Definition of Physical Fitness

The Definition of Physical Fitness

Fitness Programs

Interestingly, the definition of fitness has evolved from being focused on white athletic performance to include aspects of modern health.

The reason is evolution because fitness was white gold can be a bit complex or abstract even; Therefore, the reason for so many different definitions. For example, government health agencies and organizations are defined differently --other fitness They do you agree that some aspects.

For more information on the definition, you must first understand the definition of fitness is the benefit of two independent $ Parts. Including two actions and makes more precise definition. In fact, the most accepted definition component includes general fitness or health-related and specific gold / performance fitness-related skills (ability to perform specific aspects sports or tasks) component. So, a definition is far When he uses one hand.

Let's clarify the two parts of the definition.
Some argue that should be measured fitness through the use of a certain type of offense (for the components of physical fitness related to health). Components of fitness overall fitness including those who have a relationship with the state of health following regular exercise, proper diet and nutrition, and proper rest for physical recovery within the parameters necessary health-related or. In terms other, be white in a quality state of health and well-being.

On the hand other, Some Say should be measured fitness through a population-based standard defined by scores of specific success on various fitness tests that represent desired health standards (for related components / skill performance aptitude). Performance / fitness-related skills of special ability or a person to perform a specific activity with a reasonable return, such as sports
--other or physical tasks.

Therefore, a good working definition of fitness is "good health combined with proper physical development. Other In words, a body that is easily ble to fight against the disease with a physical proportion defined."

However, a better definition might be: "A set of attributes that are either performance (or skills) linked. Components of Fitness health-related fitness including those who have a relationship with health status. Performance / fitness related to jurisdiction or related health implies that those components of fitness offer performance of work or optimal sport. "

Now, having said all this, it must be said that this is not very useful to try to define fitness as one, and only one, all-encompassing definition Due to the nature of the concepts involved in the definition fitness. (And, of explaining these concepts goes beyond the Top scope of this article.)

He was the final score, most government health agencies and scientific practice is, in fact-are fitness agreement that can be divided into the following categories (known as the five components of fitness): body composition , cardiovascular health, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance. Because each of these components can be measured, quantified and measured to give a general idea of ​​the level of a person's physical status.

Know that some sources might Cat agility, balance, coordination, and speed with the five components of fitness to help clarify the picture of fitness level of someone Establish form. In addition, you may also find that some sources include mental and emotional health as an important part combinations facility of the year.

As you can see in this article alone, When you try to try Provide a definition of fitness, you can clearly see that complete physical is more than just good overall health Certainly.


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