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Fitness programs / The Problem With Health and Fitness Today

The Problem With Health and Fitness Today

Fitness Programs

The unfortunate fact is the health industry and fitness is more about marketing and sales and less to provide the information, products and services. Of course, the sale has always played a major role in health and the role of fitness, but these days, if the sale is more important than ever. It is now common for companies and individual sellers to spend most of their time and energy in developing better sales pitches and marketing tactics, rather than developing better products and services. In other words, health and fitness is less to help you successfully reach your goals in addition to finding ways to manipulate to buy a product or service in particular whether it will benefit or not.

I know there are many wonderful and skilled in the industry of health and fitness of people who put their clients and customers must first and provide excellent information, products, and services. However, the problem is that most people with the information and the messages they are exposed to these days do not come directly from quality sources. Instead, most of the information to see and hear is business or people who are trying to convey a specific message to a sale people. Accordingly, the information is usually biased and designed to handle your emotions and / or strengthen a company perspective or a specific organization. To make matters worse, these messages are often disguised to appear impartial and informative, even when they are really only targeted ads.

All this information and partial fitness health and often misleading or even completely wrong is a source of great concern because people are exposed to so many half-truths and contradictory messages, the end result is often just increase confusion and frustration . To add to the confusion, even if the information is true, exercise and nutritional information is often presented in a more generalized form, suggesting things like exercise no better way or a better way to eat and means should be followed by everyone. A lot of information about health and fitness applies only to certain people or situations and there is not one that works best for everyone, regardless of what the marketers want you believe approach. Everyone is different and exercise or nutritional information that is useful for one person may not work for another person.

It's a shame that so much information is biased and manipulative, or inappropriately used as a significant part of the industry of health and fitness is constantly learning more about exercise, nutrition, and other things related to how the body works and use this information to help others. Researchers are constantly experimenting and publishing books and articles that honest and direct about things like how to form specific goals, how to recover after exercise or injury, and to specific foods and nutrients affect health . Others, including the highest quality coaches, trainers and nutritionists take this information with practical experience and pass on their knowledge to others. All these people work to provide valuable information and advance the industry of health and fitness in a positive direction.

The big problem is that it can be very difficult to separate the good people who provide quality information for people who create and disseminate false or misleading information. One problem is that the people who provide educational information and people trying to sell products both use science to support what they say. People in the health and fitness often use scientific data or refer to scientific studies to make others believe their claims are made. Unfortunately, it is easy to manipulate data in a scientific study and use it to provide evidence in support of things that were never actually incurred by the original study. Also, to make matters worse, people who use scientific studies to support their beliefs about health and fitness and promoting their products, often not even really understand the science or methodology behind it.

For example, years ago, I was invited to attend a seminar by calling the expert health and fitness. Never presented in a professional conferences I attended and I had not even heard of him, but apparently people paid to go around the country to make their presentation. Anyway, called for research studies through its presentation to give credibility to what he said, but it was obvious that he had no real knowledge of education, or even how to conduct the research. He tried to use the data to support the things that had nothing to do with the study and also tried to create relationships of cause and effect that is not even remotely supported by the data. Basically it turned into complete mockery of the investigation, but since it was perceived as an expert and the audience was mostly people who have no prior knowledge of health and fitness, they had no reason to doubt what he said.

This is just one of many examples of unqualified distribution information science people, but the presentation really stuck with me over the years. At that time, it was still early in my career and I could not believe that someone who has had a misunderstanding of what this could be considered an expert in health and fitness such. In addition to his misunderstanding of the scientific research, was also wrong about how different types of exercise affect the body returns. I still do not know if he just does not have the accuracy of facts or intentionally false statements because he was promoting his specific exercise program and did everything possible to convince the public that its program was better than other exercise programs. In any case, it was obvious that it provided incorrect information, but it was still a host of success was considered an expert in the field (at least for some people), simply because he was a charismatic speaker and something of what he said could inspire people to improve their nutrition habits and exercise. It's a shame that their communications do not actually contain good information.

I know I could have gone a little off track, but I think it is an excellent example of what is wrong with the health and fitness today. In short, there is too much emphasis on style (marketing and presentation) and not enough substance (information quality). Although there is a growing sense among some in the industry that people do not want to know more about health and fitness and just want to be told what to do. I'm sure this is true for some people, but it has been my experience that people are interested in learning more about health and fitness, as long as meaningful and relevant information for their lives.

As stated earlier, even if you're looking to learn more about health and fitness that can be difficult with all the information less available today. Fortunately, you do not have a thorough knowledge of research methodology or a degree in exercise physiology to determine if the information is good or useful. However, there are some things that will help you distinguish good sources of information about health and fitness that are essentially glorified marketing campaigns.

First, you should not assume that just because someone is considered an expert, he / she will be a good source of information. Some experts and people who look up to experts cite scientific studies or use an advanced technical terminology or just to make it sound more impressive or think they know what they are talking about. Even if your information is 100% accurate, if you can not understand, then it is not really useful for you. As with workout routines and nutrition programs, information that is beneficial to one person may be a source of unnecessary confusion or to another person. The most important thing to do when learning about health and fitness thing is whether the information actually makes sense for you and tailored to their goals, needs and lifestyle.

Another thing to consider is that many publications, presentations and ads are designed to appeal to their emotional desires and manipulate how you feel about an issue, product or service, rather than actually educate yourself. In these situations, things that sound great the first time you see or hear often offer little substance when you go back and take a closer look. Good health and fitness information should be educational and meaningful if you see for the first time or the fifth.

The industry of health and fitness will always produce a number of manipulative, misleading or false, and can come from anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge or status within the industry. Ultimately, it's really up to you to determine what type of information you want and expect from members of the community health and fitness. My hope is that people will get tired of all the great marketing disasters sound and smooth presentations and start demanding more information quality education. Next, the health industry and fitness can really move in a more positive direction and be able to really help people live healthier, happier lives.


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