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Fitness Programs / Weight Loss Fitness Programs - The Secret

Weight Loss Fitness Programs - The Secret

Fitness Programs 

The secret to any weight loss fitness program is planning. That's right, it's not really a big secret, but it is extremely effective. There are some simple procedures that you should walk through before beginning your new program.

The first thing you may want to do is set up goals for yourself. Now this is absolutely crucial to your success. Every weight loss fitness program's success hinges on setting up proper challenging, yet reachable, goals.

Divide your list of goals into immediate, short-term, and long-term goals.

Your immediate goals deal with things that you must do today. Right now. Don't eat 2 hours before you go to sleep tonight. Don't have ice cream for dessert, have an apple or a peach instead. This the thing you are going after in this category. This will keep you focused.

Short-term goals are made up of things that will take you a couple of weeks to achieve. Losing ten pounds over the next two weeks would fit into this category. Maybe losing a few pounds before an event such as a wedding or summer.

And finally we come to long-term goals. These are goals that will take you anywhere form several months to several years to accomplish. Losing 50 or more pounds.

This simple goal writing technique will help you stick to your new weight loss fitness program. This way as you approach and complete each goal it will reinforce your progress and help to motivate you to continue. However, you must continue to adjust your goals and make new goals. This way your weight loss fitness program won't stagnate.


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