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Fitness Programs / The Final Word On Fitness For Women

Fitness Programs 

When women are looking for a fitness program you know they are not just looking to "get in shape". Anyone who understands women know they always have more than one reason to do anything!

As women, we want to be in shape, but also: lose weight, slow the effects of aging, improve our tone, improve our flexibility, look younger, more attractive to the opposite sex, and more importantly again, help us look attractive enough to pass inspection by other women.

  • Know why you want to be fit and scoring

Before starting an exercise program, you really need to decide what your goals are important enough to keep you motivated and overcome all the excuses you have used in the past. Your fitness program should be one of those things you do without question, like eating or brushing teeth. Unless you are convinced of the benefits of your training program and who wants it enough to stay focused and want to avoid the risk that you will face if you do not use your training properly, you will not have success .

Regardless of whether you feel you are healthy or not, you should always consult your physician before starting a fitness program. A good program will provide fitness for vigorous exercise but involves minimal health risks for you if you are in good health and on the advice of a doctor.

A program of fitness woman for your unique needs and wants will allow you to its true potential. A training program specifically written to help you to look at you, feel and do your best.
It will also provide the ability to perform daily tasks with vigor and alertness, energy remains to enjoy recreational activities after finishing his daily workout program.

When you start your exercise routine, it is important to remember that fitness is an individual quality that varies from person to person. It is influenced by age, sex, heredity, personal habits, exercise and eating habits, if you have someone you admire is really like and want to be sure that it is someone who is more like you, like comparing apples to apples.

A good fitness program will help women determine the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise and what kind of exercises you should be determined by what you are trying to achieve. So decide in advance what you want most of your program when your coach is writing this program is one of the first questions that will be asked.

What is done during actual exercise sessions will also depend on your specific goals, your current fitness level, age, health, etc. However, do not try to do too much, too fast and not not quit before you have a chance to experience the rewards. Unable to recover in a few days or weeks what you have lost in years of sedentary living, but can recover if you are consistent. Remember to take baby steps and avoid 'burn out' before they really get going.

  • A good fitness program should provide you ...

  • The following health benefits:

       The effectiveness of the heart and lungs increased.
       The reduced cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
       Increase and maintain bone density to prevent osteoporosis.
       Reduction in blood pressur.
  •        A lower risk of cancer, including colon cancer, stroke, diabetes, heart attacks, heart disease and many other diseases and condition.
       A greater sense of well-being.
       More energy.
       Less stress.
       Better quality of sleep.
       Reduce stress levels.
       Improve your sexual performance and restore libido.

Did you know that to lose ½ kilogram of body fat each week through exercise, we need to burn about 2500 extra kilojoules (600 calories) every day? Based on this figure, the response to the amount of exercise is simple: the amount of exercise that burns an extra 2500 kilojoules (kJ) per day or per week 16,000kJ.

This means that the amount of exercise necessary for a person of 100 kg (the amount of energy burned during exercise varies depending on the weight of the camera body exercise) to burn 16,000kJ total weeks is equal to:

       About 10 hours walking 5kph (3 mph) per week - or 90 minutes a day.
       About 4 hours of jogging at 10kph (6 mph) per week - or 35 minutes a day.
       About 4 ½ hours cycling around 20kph (12 mph) per week - or 40 minutes a day.

Therefore, even if the person worked only 100 kg three times a week for twenty minutes each, would only burn 1,500 kilojoules. Only just under 16,000 is needed is not all!
If you are overweight, eat your usual amount of calories and activity increasingly be successful, but eat less calories combined with a good fitness program, it's even better.

Scientists have shown that calorie restricted diets extend life! **

It seems that when women limit their intake of 1000 calories per day and 1500 by a man who could extend their lives beyond 150 years old and live well. According to this search for biomarkers of aging: cholesterol, fasting glucose and blood pressure can be reversed almost with this method. More scientific research to describe exactly why this seems to work and people are invited to take a cautious approach to a strict diet (especially children and people with health problems) approach is needed, but research is inconclusive . (See for yourself online: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20746251/ or

** Of course, it goes without saying that we do not recommend that you starve, which is almost as bad as eating too much! And always consult your health professional first.

The only way you can increase your metabolism so your body burns more fat and have a good body firm and toned is to use a fitness program that includes a good variety and use consistent exercise routine.
A lack of a rebate program consistent formatting makes your muscles tense, and if food intake is not decreased body fat is added.

What happens to a good fitness program for me?

       Lose weight easily and quickly - and keep it!
       Improve your appearance and self-esteem;
       Tone & reaffirm your muscles;
       Improve your posture and relieve back, shoulder and neck pain;
       The setting on the clothes you've always wanted;
       Improve your social life;
       Increased resistance;
       Be the envy of all your friends;
       Have more free time to spend with family and friends;
       Save big money!

Thinking of starting a new program of diet and fitness is much more difficult to actually do. But once you start with an effective exercise program, you'll love the changes you make in your body and become addicted to feel and look good. The most important thing is to think that it is a change of lifestyle, more in tune with the person you've always known is in the background.

A few final thoughts ...

You should understand that there is no magic tricks, no shortcuts and no other way to improve your health and how you look, but with dedication, perseverance, and an effective program. It is also important to remember that if you think that everything is just a job, you'll most likely give up. It is so much fun, and not only change their habits for health, but his vision of life to include the health and vitality all at the top of your priority list.


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