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Fitness Programs / Find the Right Fitness Program for You

Find the Right Fitness Program for You

Fitness Programs 

Fitness programs are available for fast weight loss, for a leaner body, for stronger muscles, for heart health, for endurance or just about any reason. There is yoga, Pilates, aerobics, weight lifting, swimming, running, home and gym fitness programs. Figure out your fitness level, your likes and dislikes and then get moving to get fit.

          First, you need to determine your current level of fitness. Visit your doctor and ask about starting a fitness program. Your doctor can help you decide where to start and how much exercise you should get each day as a beginner. There are some things you can do on your own to rate your fitness level. Take your pulse before and after a one mile walk. Record how long it takes you to walk one mile. Try some pushups and record how many you are able to do. How flexible are you? Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Try to touch your toes. Weigh yourself and measure your waist at the belly button level. If you have trouble doing more than 2 or 3 pushups, if you cannot walk a mile or if your heart pounds in your chest after walking one mile, you should see your doctor and then begin an easy fitness program along with a healthy diet.

Determine your fitness goals and engage in exercise designed to help you meet those goals. If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, then a structured eating plan and moderate aerobic exercise may work for you. Building muscle can be accomplished with weight training and isometric exercise. Endurance is required to run a marathon.

Decide what you like to do when it comes to fitness. Do you enjoy sports? Lifting weights? Dance aerobics? The more you enjoy an activity, the more likely you are to stick with it and not become bored. Are you self-motivated or do you need someone to help you stay focused? If you enjoy the company of others or need some guidance, consider joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer to help you stay on track with your fitness program. Self-motivated people may stay motivated by exercising at home or using workout DVDs.

Add variety to your fitness routine to avoid boredom and to keep your metabolism fired up. Cross training is one of the best ways to keep your interest high and get the most from your exercise time. Running, swimming, bicycling, aerobics, yoga and weight lifting are some ideas for cross training with some variety in activity. Cross training also helps to prevent overuse injury to joints and muscles. Constantly working the same muscles and joints can lead to painful muscle injury or even joint inflammation.

       After you figure out what you like to do, what you can do and what your fitness goals are, get busy getting fit. Start slowly and gradually increase your physical activity levels. Begin with a couple of hours each week and increase your activity until you reach your peak performance and fitness level.


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