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Fitness Programs / Kids Fitness - How To Give Your Kids A Lifetime Of Fitness And Health

Kids Fitness - How To Give Your Kids A Lifetime Of Fitness And Health

Fitness Programs 

1. The Good Life
Of course, you want the best for their children, so they can have a good life and be healthy, wealthy and happy. And the family is the basic training camp. Unfortunately, fitness programs for children or gym .
not always included in family activities. Naturally, this does not help.

Even well-intentioned send mixed messages on health children's parents. For example, I saw a family friend saying her two children that smoking was a very, very bad thing. Beautiful after. The downside is that smoking itself was at the same time.

As an observer, it seemed ridiculous. And the look on the faces of the children was a complete misunderstanding. How could mummy do bad things? In other words, the message was confusing, contradictory and hypocritical, even children.

2. good and evil
Despite being the "right" thing to say in terms of health and fitness, a number of "hidden" unintended message is clear:

  • do not have to practice what you preach

  • can say one thing and do another

  •  can say one thing and mean another

  •  do not have to be honest.

  • Perhaps believed?

Now, in addition to sending disturbing messages to their children, the mother was herself also weakens. For me it did not seem like a bad person. And I doubt that their children might think either. They do not believe is in Him. When he is not practicing what he preached, the real message was that there was serious. But what kind of message is that for your children? How can you be taken seriously?

4. Three key lessons
First lesson is obvious: it is best to practice what you preach if you want to be credible.

Second lesson is perhaps less obvious. However, this is something that everyone knows sales "story does not sell." That's why holiday sales representative shows you pictures or film. This is because when you buy "you to believe in it, you're more likely to take the next step and buy with your money.

In other words, showing is more powerful than words.

Third lesson is not so obvious. The dealer wants you sit in the car and maybe a ride. What for? Due to experience something yourself, it's still better than being shown. And this can only be achieved through the active participation and not as a spectator. Action speaks louder than words.

In other words, a bestseller, for sell anything yourself!

5. teaching their children Bad Behaviour
The great lesson of this is that if you want to succeed with their children are healthy, you need to be the sales manager. This does not mean to say children not to smoke at the same time you smoke. Because of a daily talk show with a forked tongue, for not practicing what he preaches, is a daily service to the children of inconsistency classes, insincerity and dishonesty are all well.

It's the same thing for unhealthy drinking or taking drugs. It's the same with eating junk food. And it's the same thing for exercise and fitness. Do not practice what you preach in one of these risks pass on bad behavior.

But if the transmission of harmful behavior is so easy, why not go for good behavior instead? And if that means taking seriously the daily demonstrations that give your children, then you and your children will be better, do not you think?

6. three tips

But what does this mean for health and fitness? How can we approach these lessons together? Take these three main points:

  • 1. practice what you preach.

  • 2. show is more effective than telling.

  • 3. Actions speak louder than words.

What better way to demonstrate healthy behavior than to practice it with your children? This goes beyond simply supporting the children by going to them in sport at school or college. Means taking part in sports and physical conditioning with them.

Even if you prefer a fitness program to work as a "garage warrior" to join a gym, and you have the desire or intention to become a muscle-monster, you can always help you and your children fitness in their 'gymnasium. "While almost everyone seems dazzled by weight and fitness equipment these days, it is generally safer and more effective in preventing the usual risks of using weights and other exercises and focus on bodyweight exercises equipment.

7. Family First

But other than that, leave the house or in the gym, there are many physical to do with kids activities. Many activities can be the royal family. For example:

· swimming pool

· cycling

· Hiking and camping

· Camps for specific activities

· The adventure holiday.

These are relatively easy to organize, but they are excellent for health and fitness. Beat an adventure holiday for the price of a trip "normal" that involves spending continues to be entertaining and fun series.

Better yet, these activities help prevent children from becoming mere spectators of sports and activities of others. However, this is the sport that most people! Better yet, each can be arranged with other families in groups or clubs.
