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Fitness Programs / Ten Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Fitness Program

Ten Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Fitness Program

Fitness Programs

With all the fitness programs on the market today, you would think it would be easy to choose one. However, there are many factors involved in picking the one that works best for you. Think about it. How many times have you started a fitness program, followed it for only a few short weeks, and then given up on? Probably more often than you would like to admit. Right?

The truth is that we start these programs expecting great results, but when we don't get those results, we figure 'Why bother?' The good news is that the problem does not lie with us but with the fact that the programs we pick are not compatible with our lifestyles. So, before you start another fitness program, ask yourself the following questions.

1.Does it fit into my schedule?

People today are busier than ever. Many work 60+ hours each week, then come home to their families who crave love,attention, and time. While it is important to work in time for fitness, is it realistic for these people to choose a fitness plan that requires 45 minutes to an hour of their time each day? Of course not. When deciding on the right plan, determine how much time you can devote to it each day. If you can only spare ten minutes, then find a plan that will work with that time limit. (Luckily, there are several out there.)

2.Do I have access to the necessary equipment?

Some plans require you to use dumbbells, barbells, or other gym equipment. If you do not have this equipment or do not have access to it (like through a gym membership), you may want to focus in on programs that are designed with only body-weight exercises.

3.Is it compatible with my fitness level?

If you haven't been working out on a regular basis, then don't choose a plan for advanced muscle building. You won't follow through. If you are a beginner, find a workout that is designed with you in mind. Not only will you get the most from each workout, but you will also save yourself from numerous injuries as a result of muscle strain.

4.Do I have special needs to take into consideration?

Many people suffer from illness or injury. Before starting any exercise program, you should speak to your physician. He/she will advise you on what exercises would be best for you and which ones you should avoid.

5.Are meal plans included, and if so, are they plans that I will follow?

Let's face it, not everyone enjoys soy and tofu. If you do, that's great! But if not, it would be unwise to start a program that uses those as the basis for their diet plan. Many programs combine nutrition and exercise in a way that will bring you the most benefit. If you follow the exercise but not the nutrition, you will not see the full effects of the plan. In fact, you may not see any. For any plan to work, it is important that you follow all factors of it. With that in mind, find a program that includes a diet that is flexible enough for your lifestyle and includes foods that you actually like. This alone can make the difference between success and failure.

6.Does the plan fit my goals?

Not all fitness programs are designed the same. Some are for fat loss. Others are for muscle building. Before choosing a plan, decide what it is that you want to gain from it. Do you want to lose fat? Do you want to gain muscle? Do you want to do both? Are you just looking to keep the shape that you have? Consider each of these things carefully, then choose a program that fits your goal.

7.Is the plan affordable?

You can find plans ranging from $20 to over $100. But, when choosing an exercise plan, be sure to take into account any purchases that you will have to make to follow the plan. Do you have to buy equipment or a gym membership? Do you have to buy specific foods that cost more than regular food? Do you have to pay a monthly membership fee to remain in the program? Find the answers to these questions before making your choice.

8.Does it include support?

Many fitness gurus are now providing e-mail support and forums with all program purchases. This is important for the times you have questions regarding anything about exercise or nutrition.

9.Does it have a money-back guarantee?

You've bought the program. You've read the material. It's not what you thought it would be. It sounded so good in the sales letter, but now you're wishing you hadn't spent the money. No problem! Many plans now come with an unconditional money-back guarantee, so keep this in mind while you're shopping.

10.What kind of bonuses are included?

Almost all fitness programs offer bonuses of one kind or another. The key is not to see who is offering the most bonuses, but to see who is offering bonuses that are the most useful to you. Bonuses often include things like extra workout eBooks, audio recordings, meal plans, personal coaching for a specified time, etc. Please note that bonuses change often so always be sure to look before ordering a product.


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