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Fitness Programs / What Is The Big, Fat Health And Fitness Lie?

What Is The Big, Fat Health And Fitness Lie?

Fitness Programs 

Kevin:  Hi everyone. So Craig, you've been in the fitness industry for over 26 years and with that, I guess it comes a little wisdom. Why not start with your story and how you got where you are now?

Craig:  Of course Kevin. Well, first of all, I started in the fitness industry as a personal trainer making $ 3.50 per hour.

Kevin: Wow.

Craig:  So I've been on it for a while and I grew up in the ranks of the fitness industry at the executive level. I was the president of two of the largest fitness organizations in the United States. I was executive vice president of sales and marketing for the largest chain of fitness clubs in the world operating in 11 countries. I also had success and I operated my own business fitness. I visited 30 countries and trends in health and fitness throughout Russia, Asia, Europe are evaluated. I have been in dozens of fitness conventions, bought millions of dollars of equipment, supplements and other health and fitness related and were also able to train thousands of health professionals and fitness around the world and help them help others improve their lives. So it really has led me to where I am today, which is where I come to the point where I want to do more and that's why I wrote my book The Big Fat Lie healthy fitness and founded the Site Fit lawyer if I could create a platform to protect and improve the living conditions and consumer health and fitness.

Kevin Now we come to talk about his book, The Big Fat Health and Fitness Lie state I love. What is the big fat lie fitness. Let's put it on the table.

Craig:  Why mince words? Let's dive in its entirety. The lie is that there are these industries billions of dollars out there that are getting richer while we get sicker and fatter with every calling solutions available to lose weight and improve our health, we are literally in the worst condition in the history of modern civilization. There are great health benefits and fat, and often people who question and think, "Oh, well, we live in the United States, are very healthy and have the best system health care ", which is a complete fallacy system. Here's an interesting fact that people should keep in mind, we approach some 300 million people in the United States and we have 200 million annually of diseases diagnosed Conditions that could be prevented with simple lifestyle changes life.

Kevin:  Wow.

Craig:  And what happens in the United States, 270 billion 3.7 billion prescriptions written, not to cure anything, because there are very few medical remedies modern means of medicine especially to mask the symptoms. So given our bodies a lot of toxic chemicals and to know there is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there about health and fitness. So there is a great opportunity, unfortunately, for people to make money on the lack of knowledge people have about how to lose weight, improve your health, get in shape and live better . So millions of people are out there paying thousands of dollars they do not have the opportunity to help you achieve your goal and that's really the big lie.

KevinAnd let me ask you this, you were on the other side, you have been a part of the industry that makes a lot of money in clubs and organizations, fitness and everything. When will suddenly say, 'Hey, you know, I may need to educate people about it. "

Craig:  Well, first of all I have never felt that the industry is a bad club industry.

Kevin:  Okay.

Craig And in my book, I'm still a big fan of gym memberships for the average person, there is, of course, a little warning on how to get a quality club. I have an article on the ten worst things for the fitness industry. So I try to put the things I find wrong, but there are a lot of good too, but then I realized I was running all these clubs and try to help the people I love to talk to thousands consumer facing. For much of my career, my job was to go out and help, work with people on the ground, club operators, managers, salespeople, fitness, personal trainers, to teach them about how to help these decisions that are good for them and the director, of course principle has not always focused on money, focus on helping people and you will make money as a natural consequence, as a sub -produced natural helping people. This has always been one of my guiding principles, but to talk to all these consumers, we find that the average person spends thousands of dollars on products and services that have no chance to help. They spend hours and hours of wasted time on information that they never help improve your health and change their lives. So I'm tired, frustrated and kind of outraged by all the quick solutions that are out there that people jump from one to the other without really understanding the true cause of why they are so sick. So I wanted to try to learn about all things, lies and deception while trying to provide simple solutions for how to improve your health, how to lose weight, how to get fit, how to live better feel better, no gimmicks and no tricks for the rest of their lives. That's really what the big lie of health fat and fitness is and that's really what the website is attorney Fit.

Kevin:  And you have a different approach in his book, unlike many other books I've read on health and fitness and is related to addiction. You say addiction feeds all lie. What do you mean by that?

:  Well, many people are living a lifestyle that destroys self-inflicted toxic and fed this lie health. So what I mean by that? Well, the definition of toxic in the first place is a poison in our society and we are surrounded by poisons in air, water, some of them can not be avoided, and many of they may, however. Many of these poisons that are not going to kill today, but what they do is slowly and quietly degrade and destroy our health.

There are two types of poisons or toxins I am talking about the creation of these health problems. The first, of course, is exposure to chemicals. There are thousands of chemical compounds tested in our food supply to improve the taste, texture, color, or prolong life. It is low in calories, low carb foods containing toxic sweeteners that have contributed to obesity and diabetes. We have been conditioned to believe that sodium fluoride, for example, is good for teeth. However, it is a byproduct of the chemical industry waste known aluminum and phosphate fertilizers. This chemical has been pumped into our water supply and put in our dental products for years, but fluoridation was strongly rejected by many countries because of the dangers and lack of developed really no scientific proof of a benefit to be blessed. Beyond that, we have toxic chemicals in our household products, cleaning products, personal hygiene products. Fruits and vegetables have been treated with herbicides and pesticides. Chickens and cows are ground chicken and beef fed beef. Then pumped full of antibiotics to prevent the disease from terrible conditions in which they live and where they are slaughtered. So we have all that, you know, all chemical toxicity. This is the first concern.

The second is the biggest toxic exposure is related to stress, and people do not realize, but up to 80% of all illness is the result of stress and to have had the opportunity to travel across the world tour, you know, I think I went to more than 40 countries, you find that you are the most stressed in the world in America. We work more than any other activity outside of sleep. Just think about our normal lives, we got up every day and we are falling all day. We pressures at work, at home, the challenges that hold some sort of happy relationship with our loved ones. We have the demands of children, trying to pay the bills. We have all the negativity in the news. We all try to live the American Dream is based on financial freedom, but the truth is only a fraction of people out there have never really achieve the American dream and the rest of us are just trying to make the advance, and you know we were buried in a mountain of debt. All these things add up to a lot of anxiety and stress and cope with this stress, what do we do? We drink, smoke, take drugs, eat, eat the wrong foods and we spent hours watching television or surfing the Internet. All these activities, unfortunately, we are fat, lazy and out of shape, and what happens is the poor health that is created from this car lifestyle addiction creates and opens the door to these big lies the healthy fat and fitness. The first is that the corporate market, manufacture and market products for sale that have no chance of help and then, of course, the worst is when looking at synthetic chemicals, prescription drugs that the first line of defense to manage our health problems self-inflicted. So we really have a lot of questions we have to deal with to be healthy, but people who understand the basis of where it starts, the cause.

Kevin:  Yes. How can we have this kind of substance abuse or dependence personality quotes and turn it into a successful fitness?

Craig:  Well, the first thing you have to do is identify.

Kevin:  Yes.

Craig:  You have to realize. Here it is, here it is a fact that it is very important that people should know, the number one reason people give for not exercising regularly is that they have enough time that is correct. However, the average American watches four thirty of television per day. So there is a problem there with the priority and people need to understand that time is the most important thing and the most precious we have, because once it is gone can not be recovered. If you want to improve your health, you must take the time to do all the things necessary to improve and enhance your health and your life and it's not only exercise, but this is one of the key elements. So you first need to understand the issues and have the right motivation and set the right priorities to get where they need to be.


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