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Fitness Programs / Just What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fitness

Just What Do We Mean When We Talk About Fitness

Fitness Programs

Many definitions of fitness today, but one that has stood the test of time was proposed by Aristotle over 2500 years ago. He put it simply when he said something that suits your purpose is practical. If you look at the human and examine your system for the body skeleton, muscles, lungs, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, I think it is fair to say that it is fit for purpose.

However, while the human body can be very suitable for the purpose and so fit, it stays that way with regular exercise for each of its components.

For example, physical activity makes your heart work harder, increasing blood flow to both floods the body with fresh oxygen and removes waste.

Also, exercise increases your lung capacity so you can take supplemental oxygen to bathe the tissues and help the energy of the heart. Increased lung capacity also means for removing the upper end harmful carbon dioxide, a waste product from certain chemical reactions in the body.

Regular exercise helps to increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (which is a "good" form of cholesterol. Also helps regulate sugar levels in the blood and converts stored fat into sugars that are used to provide the energy. This process prevents obesity and is important in the control of conditions such as diabetes.

All these benefits, while very real, are also largely invisible, but other benefits of a regular exercise program are more obvious and include increased muscle mass, leg toning, arms, stomach, buttocks, and skin look healthier. In exercising while offering greater resistance, improved balance, superior strength, and most often, better mental attitude in life.

Of course, different forms of exercise routine will focus on different body parts. Routines help aerobic cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, weight training builds muscle tone and mass, balance pilates and yoga help, flexibility and muscle control. But while each of these focus on specific areas can all help improve fitness through the body, and that the various systems of the body are all interconnected.

Best of all these advantages, at least to some extent, can be achieved with minimal effort daily. A moderately intense for as little as 20-30 minutes a day physical activity, five days a week will go a long way toward improving your overall fitness.

A series of simple activities that provide excellent exercise can be done without any training or special equipment. These can include brisk walking, daily short stroke or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

More vigorous activity such as tennis, swim in the pool, an hour on the treadmill or exercise, or a whole dozen other bike activities, you can increase your fitness significantly with only a small investment of time and money.

For those who are truly committed to achieving a high level of fitness then there are many fitness center and almost all types of exercise equipment imaginable can be purchased today at prices to suit all budgets.


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