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Fitness Programs / Home Fitness Programs

Fitness Programs 
Home Fitness Programs-Fitness Programs

There are a set of exercises we can do at home,by following the guidance of experts in this field,of course, the field of fitness programs .

Where there are two types of fitness programs according to what I think :

1.Food-related fitness

However, if you discovered a simple food, that, by eating just a few ounces of it once a week, you gained more health-benefits than a dozen of the foods you currently eat, yet it cost only a fraction of what the same quantity of the cheapest tofu or hamburger mince does, wouldn't you want to know about it?

No? Then read no further.

However, if the possibilities intrigue you, read on!

Our pre-historic ancestors somehow sensed the value of this nutrient-dense food and ate lots of it, as often as possible. It's packed with natural vitamins, including the anti-oxidant, Vitamin A, which is essential for eye-health, night-vision, fertility, digestion, a functioning immune-system and normal growth. This nutritional super-star also contains huge quantities of the Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and folic acid. It's been estimated that more than one third of the population suffers deficiency in B12, which is the "anti-fatigue" vitamin, essential for the prevention of muscle-soreness, anxiety, poor digestion, impotence, incontinence, unsteady gait and dementia.

It's also rich in Vitamin D. You're probably aware that Vitamin D is critical to health, not only in the absorption of calcium for bone strength, but also for the regulation of most of the body's chemical reactions, nerve responses, the synthesis of our hormones and has a preventive effect on breast cancer.

Vitamin D deficiency affects 25% of children under eleven years of age and occurs in many adults who don't get enough sun-exposure due to where they live, especially in winter.

Oops! I skipped Vitamin C! Four ounces of this tasty morsel contains more than 50% of the daily requirement which is essential for stress-relief, skin-health and the flexibility and integrity of the arteries. That's more than an orange provides!

Not enough Vitamin C can lead to atherosclerosis and a likely stroke or heart attack. Vitamin C also plays an important role in the absorption of iron, which this food absolutely abounds in. And for women, that's critical for the health of the blood and the prevention of anemia.

But while on the subject of iron, this inexpensive super-food is loaded with it as well as phosphorous, copper and magnesium. Growing children need more of this nutritional fare as it also provides the medium-chain fatty-acids critical for brain development along with iodine which prevents goiter.

What else? Oh, yes, Vitamin E - and how about the very important Omega-3 fats including EPA, DHA and also Vitamin K which works in conjunction with Vitamin D and calcium for bone integrity and is essential for the coagulation of blood when we suffer bleeding injuries. This high-energy food-star contains both of the natural forms, K1 and K2, which have been shown to help in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and certain forms of cancer.

Wow! A super-food that provides so many vitamins, nutrients and health benefits along with disease prevention? It must be expensive, no?

Sadly, vegans and vegetarians miss out on this valuable source of essential nutrients and vitamins which are provided in just one, four-ounce serving per week of calf liver. If you are a practicing, but open-minded vegan or vegetarian you owe it to yourself to read my e-report What are We Supposed to Eat and ask yourself, "Why?"

Meat-eater or not, maybe you're convinced you don't like the taste or texture of liver, so why not disguise it by adding it into hamburger mince or meat loaf? You'll never even know it's there but you can still enjoy the benefits!

Liver, marinated in lemon juice, not over-cooked, and combined with grilled onions and tomatoes is definitely the healthiest, and to my mind, one of the most sumptuous meals available.

2. Exercise 
Home Exercise
Home Fitness Programs-Fitness Programs

How To Get Started
Those who always say that they will start the exercise fitness training tomorrow will never get started. That is the sad truth. Not exercising at all only hurts the body. Exercise at least twenty minutes a day to keep healthy. One can do this by creating an exercise fitness training regime. Find a time slot in your daily life to fit this in. It may be difficult to exercise everyday due to busy schedules. However, fit in at least five training sessions a week to your current schedule and you will be well on your way to a healthier you!

Getting started on exercise is easy. The difficult part to this is maintaining the fitness regime. Get your whole family involved in this routine in order to make fitness training a part of your life - plan activities you can do with your spouse and children together. In this way, you can exercise for your well-being, and at the same time spend time with your family. Good exercise habit will also be instilled in children, who will grow up to incorporate exercises through into their adult lives.

Having an exercise fitness training routine is not enough. Complete it with a healthy diet. Avoid eating junk food - do not expect results if junk foods are consumed often. Exercise goes hand in hand with healthy diet. Changing the eating habits will have great benefits. Healthy eating makes one healthier and less susceptible to injuries and diseases. Do this for the benefit of your family.


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